Data Science
R Shiny Apps
JetBlue Flight Dashboard - an app that came out of Yale’s Hackathon in 2015. I built this with my friend, Rob Amezquita, and we won JetBlue’s honorable mention prize: a roundtrip JetBlue ticket to any destination! Code on Github.
Clustering Dashboard - an app to perform hierarchical clustering (aka segmentation) on user-uploaded data. I created this for a colleague who wanted to perform a clustering analysis without writing any code. I gave some more details on how I built it in this blog post. Code on Github.
I’m passionate about data science education and have worked on multiple projects to share knowledge in and outside of Yale.
Interactive Data Fluency Tutorial - a tutorial on basic data literacy including data organization, visualization, clustering, and classiciation. Rob Amezquita and I won an Online Education Innovation grant from the Yale Center for Teaching and Learning to build this project.
Course: Intro to R for Bioinformaticians - an open-source course hosted on the DataCamp platform. I used these exercises when I taught a workshop on R for Yale Graduate Students. This was part of a larger project I organized called the CBB Jamboree which allowed upper-year graduate students to lead workshops on What they wish they had known when entering graduate school. Code on Github.